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Member Benefits

Join BIRD and become a force for good in the EBURD. Have a business or property in the EBURD? Join as a Voting Member and have access to everything below as well as a direct impact on BIRD decisions affecting the EBURD through your vote. Voting Members fee is $100 per year.

Want to be a member, but don’t live in the EBURD? Come join us as a community member. Community members can join stay invested in the growth of the EBURD.

(Please note that community members do not have voting rights. Community Members fee is $50 per year.)

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Project GreenLight

BIRD business and property owner members can apply to receive up to $1,000 matching funds from the BIRD for CPTED eligible expenses. These include things like exterior lighting and security cameras. 

We currently have around $20,000 in funds in this program, and we are dedicated to seeing these funds put to use in the EBURD.


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